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Text File  |  1997-03-03  |  8KB  |  112 lines

  2. Ancient Egyptian Port City of Alexandria                        ALEXANDR
  3. Confluence of the Black River and the Amazon River in Brazil    AMAZON
  4. Anchorage, Alaska                                               ANCHORA
  5. Naples, Florida Before Hurricane Andrew                         ANDREW1
  6. Hurricane Andrew - Eye of the Storm                             ANDREW2
  7. Naples, Florida After Hurricane Andrew                          ANDREW3
  8. Athens, Capital City of Greece                                  ATHENS 
  9. Baghdad, Capital City of Iraq Before the Gulf War               BAGHDAD1
  10. Baghdad, Capital City of Iraq After the Gulf War                BAGHDAD2
  11. Bangkok, Capital City of Thailand                               BANGKOK
  12. Barcelona, Spain                                                BARCELON
  13. Bejing, Capital City of China                                   BEJING 
  14. Berlin, Germany                                                 BERLIN 
  15. Bern, Capital City of Switzerland                               BERN   
  16. Brasilia, Capital City of Brazil                                BRASILIA
  17. Brussels, Capital City of Belgium                               BRUSSELS
  18. Buenos Aires, Capital City of Argentina                         BUENOS_A
  19. Cairo, Capital City of Egypt and the Suez Canal                 CAIRO  
  20. Calcutta, Capital City of the West Bengal Province in India     CALCUTTA
  21. Cancun Mexico - Winter Vacationland                             CANCUN 
  22. Caracas, Capital City of Venezuela                              CARACAS
  23. Columbia Ice Fields, British Columbia, Canada                   COLUMBIA
  24. Copenhagen, Capital City of Denmark                             COPENHAG
  25. Island of Corsica, near Italy                                   CORSICA
  26. Island of Cyprus - South part                                   CYPRUS 
  27. Damascus, Syria and Beruit, Lebanon                             DAMASCUS
  28. The historic city-state of Danzig                               DANZIG 
  29. Southern Isreal, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea                     DEAD_SEA
  30. The country of Djibouti near the Arabian Pennensula             DJIBOUTI
  31. Fairbanks, Alaska                                               FAIRBANK
  32. St. Louis Prior to the Missippi Floods - July 4, 1988           FLOOD1 
  33. St. Louis - July 18, 1994    Flooding Above St. Louis           FLOOD2 
  34. St. Louis - August 19, 1994  Flooding Below St. Louis           FLOOD3 
  35. St. Louis - October 6, 1994  Flooding Subsides                  FLOOD4 
  36. St. Louis - October 22, 1994 Flood residue visible              FLOOD5 
  37. Straits of Gibraltar                                            GIBRALTA
  38. Island of Granada                                               GRANADA
  39. Port-au-Prince, Capital City of Haiti                           HAITI  
  40. Helsinki, Capital City of Finland                               HELSINKI
  41. Istanbul, Turkey and the Bosboros                               ISTANBUL
  42. Johannesburg, South Africa                                      JOHANNES
  43. The Legendary city of Katmandu in Burma                         KATMANDU
  44. The historic city of Kiev the Ukraine                           KIEV   
  45. The eastern part of Jamaica including Kingston                  KINGSTON
  46. Kuwait city and oilfields just before Desert Storm              KUWAIT1
  47. Kuwait oilfields on fire following Desert Storm                 KUWAIT2
  48. Lisbon, Capital City of Portugal                                LISBON 
  49. Long Island in the Bahamas - EOSAT calendar selection           LONGIS 
  50. Madrid, Capital of Spain                                        MADRID 
  51. Managua, Capital of Nicaragua                                   MANAGUA
  52. Manilla, Pillipines                                             MANILLA
  53. Lake Maracaibo in Venesuela                                     MARACIAB
  54. Mexico City, Capital City of Mexico                             MEXICO_C
  55. Milan, in the Italian Alps                                      MILAN  
  56. Moncton, Upper Bay of Fundy Tidal Basins, Canada                MONCTON
  57. Montreal, Capital City of Quebec Province, Canada               MONTREAL
  58. Moscow, Capital City of Russia                                  MOSCOW 
  59. Munich, Germany, site of the 1972 Summer Olympic Games          MUNICH 
  60. Naples, Port City in Southern Italy                             NAPLES 
  61. Northern Holland and Amsterdam, Capital City of Holland         NHOLLAND
  62. Oslo, Capital City of Norway                                    OSLO   
  63. The Panama Canal and Panama City, the Capital City of Panama    PANAMA 
  64. Prudhoe Bay and the Northern Part of the Alaskan Pipeline       PRUDHOE
  65. Pyongyang, Capital City of North Korea                          PYONGYAN
  66. Lake Namak near the city of Qom, Iran -                         QOM    
  67. Great Rift Valley - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia                       RIFT   
  68. Rome, Capital City of Italy                                     ROME   
  69. Riyadh, Capital City of Saudi Arabia                            RIYADH  
  70. Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam                              SAIGON 
  71. Santo Domingo, Capital City of the Dominican Republic           SANTO_DO
  72. Sao Paulo, Brazil                                               SAO_PAUL
  73. Santiago, Capital City of Chile                                 SANTIAGO
  74. Seoul, Capital City of South Korea                              SEOUL  
  75. Southern Part of Holland and the Port City of Rotterdam         SHOLLAN D
  76. Southern Malaysia and the Country of Singapore                  SINGAPOR
  77. Yokohama and Tokyo, the Capital City of Japan                   TOKYO  
  78. Vienna, Capital City of Austria                                 VIENNA 
  79. The Port City of Vladisvostok in Russia                         VLADIS 
  80. Warsaw, Capital City of Poland                                  WARSAW 
  81. Wellington, Capital City of New Zealand                         WELL-NZ
  82. Amsterdam, Holland                                              AMSTERDA
  83. Bern, Switzerland                                               BERN     
  84. Black Hills, South Dakota                                       BLKHILLS 
  85. Calgary, Alberta, Canada                                        CALGARY  
  86. Grand Canyon, Arizona                                           GRCANYN  
  87. Lanham, Maryland (EOSAT Hqtrs)                                  LANHAM   
  88. Little Colorado River in Arizona                                LITCOLRV 
  89. Lake Worth, Florida                                             LK_WORTH 
  90. London, England                                                 LONDON   
  91. Vera Cruz area of Mexico                                        MEXICO   
  92. Hong Kong Harbor and International Airport                      HONGKONG 
  93. Morro Bay, California                                           MORR_BAY 
  94. Moscow, Russia in Summer (compare different bands with winter)  MOSCOWS  
  95. Moscow, Russia in Winter (compare different bands with summer)  MOSCOWW  
  96. New York City, New York                                         NEW_YORK 
  97. Oil Spill  - March 4, 1991                                      OIL_SPIL 
  98. Paris, France                                                   PARIS    
  99. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil                                          RIO      
  100. Rome, Italy                                                     ROME     
  101. Tokyo, Japan                                                    TOKYO    
  102. Washington, DC                                                  WASH_DC  
  103. Missippi River south of Memphis, TN (winter)                    MISS_RIV 
  104. Candlewood Lake, CT in Summer                                   CW_LAKES 
  105. Candlewood Lake, CT in Fall                                     CW_LAKEF 
  106. New Oleans, LA                                                  N_ORLEAN 
  107. Port Moller Alaska in August (note low sun angle)               PTMOLLER 
  108. San Joachin Valley, CA                                          SAN_JOA  
  109. Salt Lake City, UT                                              SLT_LAKE 
  110. Near Billings, Montana                                          MONTANA  